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Dental Implants — Hamden, CT

State-of-the-Art Tooth Replacement

X-ray diagram of dental implants in Hamden

Human teeth are quite strong, not just because of the enamel, but also due to the fact that they are deeply rooted in the jawbone, which provides an extremely sturdy foundation. When one tooth goes missing, most replacement procedures only bring back the part of the tooth you can see, which automatically makes them less stable and less reliable than their natural counterparts. Dental implants in Hamden, on the other hand, replace both the crowns and roots of lost teeth. At New Haven Dental Group in Hamden, we may be able to use this one-of-a-kind solution to replace your missing teeth. Unlike other dental offices, we are able to perform the entire implant procedure from beginning to end in one convenient location.

Why Choose New Haven Dental Group For Dental Implants?

What Are Dental Implants?

Closeup of dental implants in Hamden on dark background

Dental implants are designed to be similar to natural teeth in many ways. They consist of a small titanium cylinder called an implant post. We can insert this post into the jawbone to mimic the roots of the missing tooth. Not only does this give your new replacement teeth unmatched stability, but it encourages circulation in the jawbone. Dental implants are the only tooth replacement option that does this, which keeps the jawbone from atrophying and shrinking.

On top of the implant post, the implant supports a restoration that replaces the visible part of the lost tooth. Because the new teeth are anchored within strong bone, patients do not have to worry about them destabilizing regardless of what they may be eating. The restoration can be a crown, bridge, or denture depending on how many teeth you are missing. The end result is a smile that looks, feels, and functions just like natural!

The 4 Step Dental Implant Process

Diagram of single tooth dental implant in Hamden being placed

Dental implants must be surgically inserted into the jawbone; most other dental offices will refer you to an expensive outside specialist to have this procedure performed. At New Haven Dental Group, however, our dentists and specialists are able to carry out the entire implant treatment right here in our dental office, saving patients time, money, and stress while they undergo their tooth replacement journey. With us, you will enjoy the peace of mind that comes with being able to work with the same team the entire time.

How dental implants work in Hamden varies from case to case, so you will need to attend a consultation to find out more about the road ahead of you. In the meantime, we can give you an overview of the four main stages of treatment:

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Initial Dental Implant Consultation

Dentist and patient looking at X-Ray, discussing dental implant treatment

During your consultation, your implant dentist in Hamden will thoroughly examine your mouth and learn about your medical history. They will also answer any questions you may have about the treatment, so feel free to ask about anything that is weighing on your mind. Once they get to know you and the state of your oral health, they will be able to tell you what you can expect on the road ahead. You might need to undergo one or two preliminary treatments, such as a bone graft or gum disease therapy, before you are eligible to receive dental implants. After such treatments, our team will focus on planning the rest of your dental implant journey.

Dental Implant Surgery

Dental patient relaxing before her implant placement surgery

Some practices must refer patients to an outside specialist for the dental implant surgery, but we are able to perform it right here in office. You can rely on us during this critical stage of your treatment! During the surgery, we will numb your mouth, create an incision in the gums, and insert the dental implants in Hamden at precise, pre-planned positions in your jawbone. Once they are in, any incisions will be closed, and you can go home to begin your recovery. Most patients are able to return to work within a few days of their procedure.

Dental Implant Osseointegration & Abutment Placement

Dentist using model to explain importance of osseointegration

After your surgery, osseointegration will begin. This is the biological process through which dental implants bond with the tissue around them, allowing the implants to serve as the strongest base possible for the prosthetic teeth they support. Osseointegration usually takes at least 3 or 4 months.

After your implants are stable in your jawbone, we will expose their tops and attach healing caps. Once your gums heal, you will receive abutments. Abutments are small connector pieces whose job is to keep implant restorations in place.

Delivery of Dental Implant Restorations

Dental implant patient using mirror to admire his new restorations

The last step in your dental implant journey is the design and placement of your restoration, which will be in the form of a crown, bridge, or denture. We carefully design restorations so their size, shape, and color work well with a patient’s facial aesthetics. We want your new teeth to look and feel as natural as possible! Once a laboratory fabricates your restoration, we will attach it to your implants so you can truly begin to enjoy all the benefits of your renewed smile.

Benefits of Dental Implants

Happy couple with dental implants in Hamden laughing outside

Modern dentistry offers multiple ways to replace missing teeth. Each treatment has its own unique advantages. However, one stands out amongst its contemporaries as the best way to rebuild lost dentition: dental implants. Why do dentists and patients like tout this treatment as the gold standard in tooth replacement? Read on to learn about just some of the benefits you can experience if you decide to invest in this innovative, potentially life-changing treatment.

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Look & Feel Your Absolute Best

Man with dental implants in Hamden smiling confidently

Dental implant posts are made out of a titanium alloy, which means they are quite dark in color. However, they virtually disappear once they are inserted below the gumline. The restorations that go on top of the implants are carefully crafted to look natural in the mouth. Their size, shape, and color are all tailored to fit a patient’s unique oral structures and facial aesthetics. Many patients even find that the natural, beautiful appearance of dental implants provides a much-needed confidence boost!

Enjoy Your Favorite Foods

Woman with dental implants in Hamden smiles while eating an apple

Due to the fact that dental implants are anchored in the jaw, they offer outstanding stability. In fact, they are so stable that they can enable you to eat virtually anything, including crunchy and chewy foods, without taking special precautions. This is in stark contrast to regular dentures, which require that you use certain techniques while eating so you do not accidentally disturb your prosthetic.

Maintain a Healthy Smile for a Lifetime

young man with dental implants in Hamden smiling

Most forms of tooth replacement, including traditional dentures and fixed bridges, have a lifespan of only 5 – 10 years. Periodically replacing them can be annoying and can create a financial burden. Dental implants are different. As long as they receive proper care, they have the potential to last for many decades — perhaps for an entire lifetime. The restorations on top of dental implants also boast an impressively long-life expectancy.

Look Younger

Young woman with dental implants in Hamden smiling while inside

Having a full set of healthy teeth can make you look younger. They may even detract attention away from subtle signs of aging on other parts of your face. However, there is even more that dental implants can do to promote a youthful appearance. They can prevent bone deterioration in the jaw and help your face to avoid the sunken appearance that often occurs as a result of tooth loss.

Easy Maintenance

Man brushing his teeth to take care of his dental implants in Hamden

Caring for dental implants is easy. In many respects, you can care for them in the same way that you would care for natural teeth. Regular, thorough flossing and brushing are of utmost importance. If your restoration is removable, you should take it out of your mouth every night to give it a thorough cleaning. You should also visit us about twice a year for a professional checkup.

Who Dental Implants Can Help

Diverse group of friends with dental implants in Hamden laughing together

Are you missing one tooth? A few teeth? Many teeth? No matter how many teeth you are missing, dental implants may be the ideal treatment for you. After our in-house experts have a chance to examine your oral health and learn about your expectations for treatment, we will be able to create a custom plan to suit your needs. Depending on your unique circumstances, our team will help you choose from among a few different types of restorations.

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Who Is a Good Candidate for Dental Implants?

Dentist and patient discussing dental implant candidacy requirements

Most adults who have suffered tooth loss are candidates for dental implants in Hamden, either right away or after some preliminary treatments. Here are some common criteria that patients must meet before they are eligible to receive dental implants:

  • Fair overall health. You should be free of any conditions that might compromise your ability to heal well after minor surgery. Conditions like uncontrolled diabetes and severe immune diseases may increase your risk of complications, so it is important that you work with your general physician to manage your overall wellness.
  • Good oral health. You should be free of active gum disease because the bacteria that causes gum disease can adversely affect dental implant outcomes. Our team will work with you to ensure that your oral health is sound before you receive your new teeth.
  • Adequate jawbone density. Your jawbone should be strong enough and thick enough to support dental implants. If it is not currently, it may become so after a bone graft.

Missing 1 Tooth

Single dental implant and crown in lower dental arch

For patients who are missing just one tooth, a single dental implant and crown may be all that is needed to fill in the gap. An implant-supported crown is superior to a traditional bridge because it usually does not require that any of the nearby teeth be modified or extracted. Also, because it is anchored in the jawbone, it looks and feels as natural as possible. You can even care for an implant crown in almost exactly the same way that you would care for a natural tooth.

Missing Multiple Teeth

Model of implant bridge to replace three consecutive missing teeth

If your missing teeth are all adjacent to one another, an implant bridge may be the best treatment for you. We will strategically place the dental implants so that with as few as one or two prosthetic tooth roots, we may be able to completely close the gap in your smile.

If your missing teeth are not consecutive, we will consider other options. You might need a few individual dental implants and crowns. Another option is a partial denture, which is a single prosthetic that replaces multiple teeth at different places throughout a dental arch.

Missing All Teeth

Illustration of dental implant denture for lower arch

For patients who have lost all or most of their natural teeth, implant dentures are usually the best solution. There are many different types of implant dentures, including those that are supported by just a few dental implants, as well as those that require the support of six or more. Some implant dentures are removable, while others are permanently attached to the implants beneath them. The type of prosthetic that is best for you depends on your unique circumstances. Your dental implant dentist in Hamden will help you compare all of your treatment options.

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Understanding the Cost of Dental Implants

couple learning about the cost of dental implants in Hamden from dentist

One of the most outstanding things about dental implants is that they are so versatile since they can be used to replace any number of teeth. Because of this, there is no set price for the treatment. The cost varies from patient to patient and depends on how many implants are needed as well as what type of restoration is used. Before we begin treatment, we will go over all pricing information with you so there are never any unpleasant surprises. While implants do present a significant cost, we believe they are more than worth it!

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Preliminary Treatments & Dental Implant Surgery

Hamden implant dentist examining X-rays after dental implants

It is normal for patients to need one or more preliminary treatments before they can receive dental implants. For example, your implant dentist in Hamden might tell you that you need periodontal therapy, tooth extractions, or a bone graft. Each of these services comes with a unique price.

The dental implant placement surgery has a separate price. Its cost depends on a few factors, including the number of implants we place and the type of sedation we use. Since we perform this surgery in-house, you will not have to worry about dealing with the pricing policies of an unfamiliar dental practice.

The Parts of Your Dental Implant

Diagram of open mouth showing the parts of dental implants in Hamden

Not all dental implants in Hamden are the same. Most are made out of two pieces (an implant and an abutment), but some are made out of a single piece. While a titanium-based alloy is usually the material of choice, implants may also be made out of zirconia. The type of implant that we use in your case will affect the overall price of your treatment. If more than one type of implant might be suitable, we will clearly explain the advantages and risks of each option before you decide how to proceed.

Final Dental Implant Restoration

Hamden implant dentist holding model jaw with dental implant and restoration

A dental implant replaces a tooth root, but a restoration replaces the visible portion of a lost tooth. Restorations come in several different forms. Logically, a crown that replaces a single tooth costs less than a bridge that replaces three or more teeth. A full-arch denture may cost even more. In some cases, we might be able to help a patient save a little money by retrofitting an existing denture to work with dental implants.

Does My Dental Insurance Cover Dental Implants?

Dental insurance paperwork for the cost of dental implants in Hamden

It is becoming more common for dental insurance to cover implants. However, some policies still do not. You will have to check the details of your plan to see how it applies. As an insurance-friendly practice, we will help you navigate your coverage and file your claims. If your policy does not reduce your out-of-pocket costs for the implants themselves, it might help you with preliminary treatments or your final restorations.

Making Dental Implants Affordable

Couple learning how to pay for dental implants in Hamden on laptop

In addition to assisting you with your insurance, we offer a few provisions that may help you to manage the cost of dental implants in Hamden:

  • The Essential Dental Plan. This membership plan is a wonderful resource for patients without insurance. For a reasonable annual fee, you get to enjoy a number of free preventive services, as well as a discount on other treatments, including dental implants.
  • Financing. CareCredit is a third-party financier that offers low-interest and no-interest payment plans. The majority of patients qualify for CareCredit.
  • Free Consultation. Are you still undecided about whether you want to pursue dental implants? You can find out more about the treatment for no cost. Simply get in touch with us to schedule your free consultation.

Dental Implant Post-Op Instructions

Dentist explaining dental implant post-op instructions in Hamden

After we place your dental implants in your jawbone, you will have to go through a recovery period — but there is no need to worry. Below, we outline what you can expect as your mouth heals, as well as provide you with some practical dental implant post-op instructions in Hamden. If you run into any unexpected questions or concerns while you are on the mend, we encourage you to give us a call.

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What to Do Directly After Dental Implant Surgery

Saying no to straw after dental implant surgery

Blood clots may form at your surgical sites. It is important that you do not accidentally dislodge them because they are a key part of the healing process. To protect your blood clots, you should:

  • Avoid the use of drinking straws.
  • Do not spit. Instead, swallow excess saliva or use tissues to absorb it.
  • Avoid smoking for at least a full day (longer is better).
  • Resist the temptation to touch the surgical sites with your fingers or tongue.

Common Side Effects

Taking pain pill to manage dental implant post-op discomfort

Following implant placement surgery, many patients experience:

  • Intermittent bleeding. This can go on for several days. However, it is usually easy to manage with gauze and light pressure.
  • General discomfort. Pain medication, as well as getting adequate rest, can help you to minimize this.
  • This can last for a few days to a week or longer. Cold compresses can help to keep it to a minimum.

If you experience any extreme or unusual side effects, contact your implant dentist in Hamden right away.


Two cups of yogurt, part of no-chew diet

At first, you should stick to a no-chew diet. That means you should primarily stick to foods like brothy soups, pudding, applesauce, yogurt, and smoothies. Later, you can progress to a fork-tender diet, which includes things like scrambled eggs, meatloaf, and soft bread. After the soft tissue in your mouth heals, you may be able to resume fairly normal eating habits (if you have enough natural teeth left to help you adequately chew).

Oral Hygiene

Woman swishing with mouthwash after dental implant surgery

It is important that you continue to brush and floss your teeth. However, you should exercise extreme care around your surgical sites. Rinsing with an antibacterial mouthwash (one without a high alcohol content) may also help to keep your mouth clean and minimize your risk of infection. Swishing with warm saltwater a few times a day may play a role in limiting inflammation.

What to Do After Your New Teeth Are Attached

Smiling man admiring his new dental implant restorations

After you receive your restorations for your dental implants in Hamden, you might experience a bit of gum sensitivity, but that should subside relatively quickly. In the meantime, pain medication can help to make you as comfortable as possible. You should not experience any bleeding or swelling. Most patients adapt fairly quickly to their new teeth.

Maintaining & Caring for Your Dental Implants

Smiling woman who practices proper dental implant care in Hamden

Your dental implants could serve you well for the rest of your life! Of course, they can only live up to that potential if they receive proper maintenance. Fortunately, dental implant care in Hamden is relatively simple. Below, you will find practical guidelines that will minimize the risk of damage to your restored smile.

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Make Oral Hygiene a Priority

Toothbrushes, toothpaste, and floss lined up against neutral background

Even though dental implants cannot get cavities, the tissue around them remains vulnerable to infection. Oral hygiene helps to combat harmful bacteria and keep your entire mouth as healthy as possible. You should:

  • Thoroughly brush your teeth at least twice a day.
  • Floss once a day.
  • Follow hygiene instructions that are specific to your restoration. For example, you might need to remove your implant denture in order to clean it, or you might need to use a water flosser to clean beneath a bridge.

Eat a Healthy Diet

Variety of healthy food laid out on tabletop

Dental implants are strong enough to stand up to virtually any food, so you should feel free to eat all of your favorite treats in moderation. However, keep in mind that overindulging in sugary, hard, or sticky foods can promote plaque production and increase the risk of damage to your dental implants. Your diet should consist mostly of foods that support oral and overall health. For example, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin D, and phosphorous are all important.

Break Bad Habits

Breaking cigarette in half to signify quitting smoking

A few bad habits that could adversely affect your dental implants in Hamden include:

  • Studies show that smoking significantly increases the risk of dental implant failure.
  • Biting on hard objects. Chewing on ice, pen caps, or other hard items could damage your restorations.
  • Using your teeth as a tool. Using your teeth or dental implant restorations to open packages or trim your fingernails exposes them to excessive force and could cause breakage.

Protect Your Dental Implants

Nightguard for bruxism and storage case against dark background

If you play sports, you should always wear a mouthguard during games and practices. A custom mouthguard from your dentist will provide the highest level of protection both for your implants and your oral tissues.

Additionally, if you tend to grind your teeth at night, you may have to wear a nightguard. It will place a barrier between your upper and lower teeth to prevent them from damaging one another while you sleep.

Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Smiling man at checkup for his dental implants in Hamden

Even if you do not have any remaining natural teeth, you should still visit your implant dentist in Hamden at least once every six months. At these routine appointments, we may remove your restorations, thoroughly clean around your implant abutments, and inspect your mouth for any signs of potential problems. If we notice any cause for concern, we may be able to address the issue before it progresses and starts to pose a serious threat to your implants or your oral health.

Dental Implant Failure & Salvage

Female patient smiling after successful dental implant salvage treatment

One of the most outstanding things about dental implants is that they are so versatile since they can be used to replace any number of teeth. Because of this, there is no set price for the treatment. The cost varies from patient to patient and depends on how many implants are needed as well as what type of restoration is used. Before we begin treatment, we will go over all pricing information with you so there are never any unpleasant surprises. While implants do present a significant cost, we believe they are more than worth it!

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Advanced Dental Implant Procedures

Dentist talking to patient about dental implant procedures

Our Hamden dental team is pleased to provide start-to-finish dental implant treatment. Not only can we place and restore your implants, but we can also offer advanced procedures that will support the long-term success of your new teeth. These treatments may extend the total length of time before you can fully enjoy the benefits of implants, but they are often a necessary part of the process. Below, you will find information about a few of these procedures.

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Bone Grafting

Illustration of bone graft in empty tooth socket

A strong and dense jawbone is essential for dental implant candidates. After all, without proper support, your implants could very well fail. If we determine that your jawbone is not strong enough or large enough to accommodate your prosthetic tooth roots, we may recommend that you undergo a bone graft.

A bone graft is a surgery that involves adding bone to the jaw. The bone may come from a donor, another place in your body, or an artificial source. Once it is in place, it should integrate with your existing bone structure.

In some cases, a bone graft is performed at the same time as dental implant placement. In other instances, there is a waiting period of a few months between the two procedures.

Sinus Lift

Illustration of implants in jawbone after sinus lift

If the roof of your mouth is too thin, an implant could easily go all the way through it and penetrate the sinus membrane above. A sinus lift is a special type of bone graft that seeks to prevent that problem.

During the procedure, we create an incision in the gums and access your sinus membrane through the top of your mouth. We gently push the sinus upward and place a bone graft beneath it to keep it in its new position.

Usually, patients are eligible for dental implant placement several months after a successful sinus lift.

Ridge Expansion

We often say that dental implants get placed in the jawbone, but more specifically, they get inserted into a part of the bone known as the alveolar ridge. If the ridge is too narrow, the jaw may not be able to support the new tooth roots. Ridge expansion, also known as ridge augmentation, seeks to address that problem.

This type of bone graft requires that we place a wedge into the ridge and insert new bone material. After a healing period, the ridge should be large enough to serve as a secure base for dental implants.

PRP/PRF Treatment

Gloved hand placing vial of blood into centrifuge

To administer platelet-rich plasma or platelet-rich fibrin, we take a sample of your blood and place it in a centrifuge. Then, we are able to separate the platelet-rich portion of your blood and use it to facilitate healing at your surgical sites. Because platelets play a critical role in blood clotting and wound management, PRP/PRF has the potential to speed up your recovery process and reduce post-op discomfort. Plus, because the blood we use is taken from your own body, it is almost impossible for you to have a bad reaction to it.

Dental Implant FAQs

We hope you choose to consider dental implants in Hamden as a way to replace your lost teeth, but we also understand if you want more information before you contact us to schedule a consultation. That is why we have put together the following brief list of FAQs, along with their answers. If you do not see your specific question addressed, please reach out to us directly. We are ready to help!

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How Long Do Dental Implants Last? 

Under ideal circumstances, dental implants last a lifetime. Research has shown that even 10 years after placement, more than 90% of dental implants continue to thrive. You can increase the chances that you will be in that happy majority if you care well for your implants and attend regular checkups with your implant dentist in Hamden.

What Can Cause Dental Implants to Fail?

The most common cause of dental implant failure is an infection called peri-implantitis. It occurs when bacteria sneak beneath the gumline and attack the tissue that supports the dental implants. It can usually be prevented via diligent oral hygiene. Other possible causes of and contributors to dental implant failure include failed osseointegration, physical trauma, tobacco usage, and certain medical conditions.

Will People Be Able to Tell That I Have Dental Implants?

Even though dental implants are usually dark in color, they are concealed when they are placed beneath the gumline and attached to their restorations. The restorations themselves are incredibly natural looking. We carefully design their size, shape, and color to complement your natural facial characteristics. The high-quality materials we use even reflect light in a manner that is similar to natural tooth enamel.

Is There Anything I Should Not Eat with Dental Implants?

Dental implants are sturdy enough to stand up to virtually any food, including fresh vegetables, tough meats, and so much more. However, a word of caution is in order. Just like some foods are worse for your natural teeth than others, the same is true of dental implants. Frequently overindulging in sugary, sticky, and hard foods may increase the risk of damage to your implants and infection.

What Should I Do if I Cannot Afford Dental Implants?

There are alternative forms of tooth replacement that cost less upfront. However, we strongly encourage patients to take advantage of provisions that can make dental implants easier to fit into their budget. For example, your dental insurance may cover a portion of your treatment. You might also qualify for low-interest financing through CareCredit. We even have a dental savings membership plan that can significantly cut your out-of-pocket expenses.

Do Dental Implants Feel Natural?

When you first receive dental implants, some soreness, swelling, and general discomfort are normal. When you get your restorations, your mouth might be a bit extra sensitive, and you may produce extra saliva. After you adjust to your implants and their restorations, however, they should feel just like real teeth! They are designed to look and function similarly to their natural counterparts.

How Soon After a Tooth Extraction Can I Get Dental Implants?

The answer to this question varies from case to case. In some instances, it is possible to insert a dental implant during the same appointment as the extraction. More often, though, a waiting period of several months is necessary. This gives the jawbone a chance to heal. But be careful that you do not wait too long after your extraction to get dental implants in Hamden. An extended delay might actually allow time for the jawbone to shrink, increasing the chance that you will need a bone graft. To make your treatment process as efficient as possible, let your dentist know that you are thinking about dental implants before your extraction appointment.

Do I Need a Bone Graft Before Getting Dental Implants?

After your implant dentist in Hamden examines your mouth and uses advanced imaging equipment to understand your jaw’s structure, they will be able to tell you if you require a bone graft. Often, patients who lost their natural teeth some time ago, as well as those with a naturally small or weak jawbone, do require a bone graft. However, if it looks like your bone and other oral structures are in good shape, you may be able to receive your new teeth without any preliminary procedures.

How Long Does It Take to Recover from Dental Implant Surgery?

Most people are feeling well enough to return to work the day after their surgery. However, if your job requires a lot of physical activity, it may be wise to take a few days off. You can expect the soft tissue in your mouth to heal quickly; swelling and bleeding usually subside within 3 – 4 days. However, your bone will take much longer to heal. It may be 4 – 6 months before your jaw and your implants have successfully integrated with one another.

Can I Get Dental Implants if I Smoke?

Smoking does not automatically disqualify you from getting dental implants. Your dentist will determine your candidacy based on a personal examination. However, keep in mind that smoking is a big risk factor for dental implant failure. It slows down the body’s healing process and adversely affects the immune system. If you smoke, you should quit at least two weeks before your surgery, and continue to refrain from smoking for at least a couple months afterward. Of course, it would be preferrable if you decide to kick the habit for good.

Contact Us
(203) 288-8221 Hamden Professional Ctr.
295 Washington Avenue
Hamden, CT
Office Hours

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