If you have lost a number of teeth, you may be thinking about getting dentures. That is a wise call! Not only can dentures restore your ability to eat most foods, but they offer a number of other benefits as well. On this page, we expound more on what full and partial dentures are, how they work, and the advantages they offer. When you are ready to learn how dentures might help you, contact New Haven Dental Group in Hamden to schedule your restorative consultation.
A full denture replaces an entire arch of lost teeth. It consists of a gum colored base and a full row of artificial teeth. Natural suction or a mild adhesive helps a full denture to stay in place during eating, drinking, and speaking.
As its name implies, a partial denture does not replace a whole arch of lost teeth. Rather, it fits around the remaining existing teeth to fill in the empty spaces. Small metal clips help a partial denture to stay in place.
The denture process is fairly straightforward. First, our team evaluates your candidacy for the treatment. Then, we do any necessary preparatory work (for example, extractions or gum disease treatment). When your mouth is ready, we will take impressions of it and carefully design the size, shape, and color of your replacement teeth. A trusted dental laboratory will create your denture. When you come to our office to pick it up, we will give you some coaching on how to get the most out of it.
Whether you are missing a few teeth, several teeth, or all your teeth, dentures might be right for you. When you visit us for your consultation, we will gather information about your oral health, your medical history, and your expectations for treatment. From there, we will be able to make a well-informed recommendation as to whether dentures are appropriate for your unique case. Even if you are not immediately a candidate for dentures, you may become one after some preliminary care.
Missing teeth may be the result of genetics, past lifestyle choices, gum disease, accidents, or other factors. Regardless of the reason for edentulism (the state of being toothless), this condition can have profound consequences for your daily life.
For example, you may experience:
The good news is that dentures can help with such issues.
Dentures may be a good solution for you if you:
If dentures are not quite right for you, we may recommend an alternative tooth replacement option:
We offer three different types of dentures. During your consultation, we will recommend the one that is best for your unique case. Depending on your jawbone health and the extent of your tooth loss, we might inform you that a partial denture, full denture, or implant denture would be your best option.
As its name implies, a partial denture does not replace a whole arch of lost teeth. Rather, it fits around the remaining existing teeth to fill in the empty spaces. Small metal or acrylic clips help a partial denture to stay in place.
A full denture replaces an entire arch of lost teeth. It consists of a gum-colored base and a full row of artificial teeth. Natural suction or a mild adhesive helps a full denture to stay in place during eating, drinking, and speaking.
Implant dentures are supported by prosthetic tooth roots, which get surgically placed in the jawbone. As useful as traditional full and partial dentures are, their implant-retained counterparts are superior in a number of ways:
They look and feel almost exactly like natural teeth.
Traditional full and partial dentures offer some noteworthy benefits:
As useful as traditional full and partial dentures are, their implant-retained counterparts are superior in a number of ways:
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