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Invisalign® – Hamden, CT

Your Clear Path to Straighter Teeth

Clear Invisalign tray

Perhaps your crooked, crowded, and gapped teeth have always bothered you, but you have not taken steps to correct them because the last thing you want is a bunch of brackets and wires in your mouth. For adults who feel like you do, New Haven Dental Group offers Invisalign® in Hamden. Discreet, effective, and comfortable, this remarkable system is the premier way people around the globe are choosing to straighten their teeth.

Why Choose New Haven Dental Group for Invisalign®?

How Invisalign® Works

Invisalign trays in carrier

The reason Invisalign® is so popular is that instead of using brackets and wires to move the teeth, it employs a series of clear, lightweight plastic aligners. A patient simply wears an individual set of aligners for about 2 weeks for 20 – 22 hours each day before moving onto the next. Once you have gone through the entire series, your teeth should be right where they should have been all along. Our team will support you during every stage of your treatment, especially when you visit us every 6 weeks or so for an Invisalign® checkup.

Who Can Invisalign Help?

Woman placing Invisalign tray

To find out if this treatment would work for you, the best thing to do is schedule a consultation with our Hamden dental team. We will perform a brief exam and discuss your options; if Invisalign is one of them, we can get started on planning your treatment right away. Invisalign is often able to address many common orthodontic issues. Here are a few examples of problems that we frequently use it to correct:

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Crowded Teeth

Illustration of crowded, crooked teeth in lower dental arch

Crooked, crowded teeth can trap food and pose hygiene challenges, increasing your risk of decay, gum disease, and bad breath. They can also interfere with your bite. Invisalign, perhaps along with extractions, may be able to help each of your teeth have the space it needs to function well.

Gaps Between Teeth

Close-up illustration of gap between front teeth

Large gaps between the teeth may be the result of poor bone development, thumb sucking during childhood, and other factors. Not only can this issue be unsightly, but it can also increase your risk of gum problems. Invisalign may be able to move your teeth closer together, creating a more attractive, healthier smile.


Illustration showing upper and lower jaws and an overbite

A minor overbite is both healthy and normal. However, if your upper teeth rest too far in front of your bottom teeth, you may experience speech difficulties, uneven wear and tear on your teeth, and other problems. Invisalign, usually with the help of special accessories, is often able to correct overbites and improve overall oral function.


Illustration of an underbite against dark background

If your bottom teeth rest in front of your top teeth, you have an orthodontic problem known as underbite. Without treatment, an underbite can contribute to jaw pain, difficulty eating, and suboptimal facial aesthetics. Fortunately, Invisalign aligners are able to address underbites in many cases.


Illustration of a crossbite viewed from the front

If some of your bottom teeth rest in front of your top teeth, you have an issue known as a crossbite, which may be caused by poor bone development, the early loss of baby teeth, or other factors. A crossbite can lead to a range of problems, such as speech difficulties, jaw pain, and more. Invisalign is often used to correct crossbites and improve oral health.

Open Bite

Side-view illustration showing an open bite

An open bite occurs when there is a gap between the upper and lower front teeth, even when the back teeth are touching. Open bites are often the result of non-nutritive habits during childhood, such as prolonged thumb sucking. This issue can cause biting difficulties and other challenges. Many cases of open bite can be addressed with Invisalign clear aligners.

The Benefits of Invisalign®

Man holding an Invisalign tray

It is easy to understand why so many patients are opting for Invisalign® rather than traditional braces:

How Much Does Invisalign® Cost?

Woman holding Invisalign tray

The cost of Invisalign® varies from case to case. It depends primarily on how many aligners you need. Generally speaking, Invisalign® tends to cost at least a few thousand dollars. When you visit us for your FREE consultation, we will provide you with a candid price estimate and help you explore your payment options. We are happy to file insurance claims for patients, and we accept financing through CareCredit.

Invisalign® FAQs

Invisalign aligner in storage case, surrounded by clear aligners

Invisalign® in Hamden is one of the most convenient and discreet ways to straighten teeth. We hope you visit us to learn more about it. In the meantime, though, you may have some questions weighing on your mind. To help you out, we have put together a list of FAQs about this treatment, along with succinct answers. Give us a call if you would like further explanation on anything you read here — our team is looking forward to speaking with you!

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What Does Invisalign® Look Like?

Invisalign® aligners are constructed out of clear, thin plastic. However, they are not invisible. Outside of the mouth, they are quite easy to see. Once they are on the teeth, however, they are very subtle. Although onlookers will be able to tell that something is on your teeth, Invisalign® is unlikely to be the first thing they notice about your smile. If you require attachments, such as buttons or elastics, those may be easier to spot than the main body of your aligners. Patients tend to love Invisalign® because it is much more aesthetically pleasing than the metal brackets and wires of traditional braces.

How Long Does Invisalign® Take?

The average treatment time with Invisalign® is one year (12 months). Your treatment time may be longer or shorter, though — it all depends on the specifics of your case. Some patients with mild dental misalignment need to use Invisalign® for only 6 months or so before they achieve their final results. Other individuals must undergo treatment for 18 months or longer. Although 18 months may seem like a long time, most patients with Invisalign® have a shorter treatment than they would with traditional braces.

Does Invisalign® Hurt?

Invisalign® aligners are made out of smooth plastic. They are trimmed to rest comfortably against the gums, and they have no metal brackets or wires to irritate your tongue and cheeks. Most patients find that they are easy to wear.

However, keep in mind that orthodontic treatment applies pressure to the teeth, which can naturally cause some tenderness and soreness. You might notice this particularly when you switch to a new aligner. You can mitigate your discomfort by:

  • Switching to a new aligner at night, so you can sleep through the first part of the adjustment period.
  • Sipping on cold water.
  • Taking over the counter pain medications if necessary.

How Do I Clean My Invisalign®?

Your cosmetic dentist in Hamden can give you pointers on how to clean your aligners. We might recommend that you purchase Invisalign’s brand-name cleaning system, which uses special cleaning crystals and a unique cleaning solution. These products are easy to use and will not damage your aligners.

If you do not have Invisalign® products on-hand, you can use a soft-bristled toothbrush and mild, clear soap to clean your aligners. You should also make sure to rinse them several times a day to get rid of any food particles that might have transferred to them from your teeth.

Additionally, you should keep your teeth clean by brushing and flossing after each meal, before you put Invisalign® back in your mouth.

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Contact Us
(203) 288-8221 Hamden Professional Ctr.
295 Washington Avenue
Hamden, CT
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8:00am – 5:00pm